Father heart encounter
A three day retreat rejoicing over Gods character and His heart of unconditional love for His children. A retreat which will help you to discover and experience His love and His specially designed purpose for your life. We will take time to discover Father Gods nature and our own identity in Him. We will look at our belief system and the truth about that in Gods Word. It is a time to find out how much He loves to Father us. A time of focusing on Jesus, Who desires to be the way to the Father be the way to His Fathers heart, to save us and restore us back to sonship and daughterhood.

Residents 350.000 UGX
Day guest 180.000 UGX
Accommodation in the Wave 260.000 UGX
Missionaries € 115 (payable in UGX at current rate)
Expats € 135 (payable in UGX at current rate)
See all our planned programs on our special program page.